Training and Continuing Professional Development
I’m a fully qualified and insured nutrition, weight management and behaviour change coach. I’m passionate about life-long learning and continue to build on my knowledge and understanding by attending regular courses approved for CPD by the BDA (The British Association of UK Dieticians) and the AfN (Association for Nutrition).
Mar-21: Health Psychology in Practice, Joe O’ Brien, Trainee Health Psychologist BSc, MSc, MPsSI, Spectrum Mental Health.
Jan-21: How to be Vegan Savvy - A Practical Guide presented by Azmina Govindji, Dietitian and Director of Azmina Nutrition, and chaired by Heather Russell, Dietitian, The Vegan Society
Dec-20: MyNutriWeb Journal Club, The Common Cold – Could Probiotics Help? Presented by Dr Gemma Walton, Lecturer in Metagenomics, University of Reading
Nov-20: The Truth About Soya by Mark Messina PhD, MS, adjunct associate professor at Loma Linda University in California, Executive Director of the Soy Nutrition Institute
Nov-20: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, by Professor Mike Lean, Clinical Senior Research Fellow/Honorary Consultant School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, University of Glasgow
Oct-20: Breast Cancer & Diet - Reducing Risk and Addressing Inequalities, Rachel Clark, Health Promotion Manager, World Cancer Research Fund & Toral Shah, Nutritional Scientist (Nutr Med)
Oct-20: Cardiometabolic Health & Diet, part 1 & 2, Professor Bruce Griffin, Professor of Nutritional Metabolism, University of Surrey & Professor John Sievenpiper.
Oct-20: Vegan Diets, a Person Centred Practice presented by Heather Russell, Dietitian, The Vegan Society, MyNutriWeb.
Sep-20 IBS: Dietary, Holistic & Microbiota Management, Dr Bridgette Wilson, PhD RD, Senior Specialist Dietician & Research Associate at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Nov-19: The Gut Collection, The Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting, Wellcome Trust, London.
Sep-19: Nutrition for Therapists 1 day course, Nicola Schubrook
Jan-19: Behaviour Change Coaching Certificate (5 CIMSPA & 12 REPs CPD points).
Nov-18: Applying Intuitive Eating & Non-Diet Approaches in Practice, AfN Certified, The London Centre for Intuitive Eating
Feb-18: VTCT level 3 award in Nutrition for Physical Activity. Gained an understanding of the principles of nutrition, key guidelines, nationally recommended practice, the relationship between nutrition and physical activity, how to collect and use nutritional information, and the principles of nutritional goal setting. Also developed skills and techniques to collect and analyse nutritional information and apply nutrition to an exercise and physical activity programme in support of client health goals.
Jun-14: Juicing for Health, London College of Naturopathic Medicine
Mar-14: Nutrition for Everyday Living, London College of Naturopathic Medicine