Victoria T.


I was looking to return to work after a career break and I wanted to start taking a more mindful approach to health and fitness and feel a little trimmer. In the past when I had worked, I hadn’t always got this right and felt the consequences.

Having not worked for a while, I also felt that I was less disciplined than I would like to be in the way I managed my own time and health and wanted to build some new good habits that could help me with the transition back to work.

I had set fitness goals in the past and was already pretty good at getting organised and exercising, but I really struggled with maintaining plans when life would take over and demand more from me. With responsibility for running a home and supporting the family, there is always something that needs dealing with and I often found that I was too ready to abandon my own plans to deal with issues.

Client feedback

Post 12-weeks mid-March 2021, which goals have you achieved?

  • To increase hydration and drink water more regularly

  • To improve gut healthy/reduce pain/bloating

  • Learn to cook healthy, vegetarian dishes

  • To reduce stress and feel less anxious

  • To reduce alcohol intake/stop drinking

  • To get more sleep or improve sleep hygiene

Has this course helped you to feel motivated and empowered to make small, positive healthy changes? 

Answer: A lot

Has this course helped you to be kinder to yourself? *

Answer: A lot

What’s changed for you?

For me it was fully appreciating that a focus on self-care is such a huge part of health. A focus on the simple things such as good sleep hygiene and hydration on a daily basis are really useful underpinning habits that are easy to do and really help with overall wellbeing.

I’ve definitely been guilty of unhelpful ‘all or nothing’ thinking and recognising this has been really helpful and I'm trying to focus on self-care and being kinder to myself when things don't go to plan.


Allowing myself the time to think about nutrition and wellbeing has really helped me to prioritise much needed self-care. Vicky’s experience and positive mindset we’re really helpful in this transition from running around after the family to starting to think and prioritise my needs.

I’ve lost half a stone since December and I’m enjoying a more diverse plant-based diet. I’ve even got my sometimes fussy, meat-loving family eating more vegetarian meals together including an Aubergine, Chard and Tomato Curry (pictured) which I’ll definitely be repeating! I’m feeling more in control and I’m happy with my weight now.